- Modified-Shop 3 compatibility
- Added support for large number of recipients with chunk size
V. 4.9.10
- email engine configuration check causes error for engine "shop"
V. 4.9.9
- email engine configuration check
- PHP8.3 compatibility
- improved Connector
V. 4.9.8
- improved Connector
V. 4.9.7
- added marketplaces to exclude: kaufland,,,,
- unexpected error on some dialog navigation
- added bounce column to list exports
V. 4.9.6
- MailBeez Image engine: invalid image url causes infinite loop
V. 4.9.5
- PHP 8.3 compatibility
- improved Connector
V. 4.9.4
- PHP 8.3 compatibility
- improved Connector
- SiteBeez Signup error on ZenCart
V. 4.5.4
V. 4.9.3
- Shoprating module: order id is not pre-filled in review form
V. 4.9.2
- PHP Version check in installer/updater
V. 4.9.1
V. 4.9.0
- next release will require PHP7.3+
V. 4.8.27
- Image engine: custom urls with query strings are not working
V. 4.8.25
- Background-Colors set in visual editor are not shown in email
V. 4.8.24
- PHP 8 compatibility
- improved Connector
- PHP8.2 refactoring
- wording
V. 4.5.3
- added
V. 4.8.23
- PHP backward compatibility
V. 4.8.22
- Connector for Beta-User
V. 4.8.21
- PHP backward compatibility
V. 4.8.20
- Connector for Beta-User
- ZenCart 2.0 support
- PHP 8 compatibility
- new default email header logo
- reliable handling of consecutive orders
V. 4.8.18a
- Call to a member function restart() on null
V. 4.8.17
- avoid triggering of SQL error on GX3 and modified-shop
- sending test-mail triggers lock
V. 4.8.16
- image engine supports "Curl error: error:0A000458:SSL routines::tlsv1 unrecognized name" situation on outdated servers
- process control can no longer be disabled
- atomic lock for sending process to support high performance configurations
- PHP 8 compatibility
- zencart 1.5 backwards compatibility
- framework refactoring
V. 4.1.4
V. 4.8.15
- PHP 8 compatibility refactoring Bounce handler
V. 4.8.14
- optimized data cache handling
V. 4.8.13
- settings reset in Shoprating Module
V. 4.8.12
- support for Modified-Shop V3
- PHP8.2 refactoring
- reduced connection timeout when testing SMTP connection
- content not shown in Shoprating Module
V. 4.8.11
- Shoprating Module by web4design compatible with PHP8.2
V. 4.8.10
- clicktracker does not record open events
V. 4.8.9
- invalid path to phpmailer when switching to SMTP
V. 4.8.8
- invalid calculation of relevant customers
V. 4.8.7
V. 4.8.5
- support required list-unsubscribe headers for gmail and yahoo when using SMTP or MailBeez.Email as Email-Engine
- automatic connection test for Email-Engine SMTP and MailBeez.Email
- PHP8.2 refactoring
- support for md5 tokens
V. 4.3.1
V. 4.5.2
V. 4.2.2
V. 4.3.1
V. 4.2.2
V. 4.0.1
- CRM pad search
- refactoring
- follow-up emails for prospect lists based on xtcommerce source does not work
V. 4.8.4
- clicktracker data processing
- compability with modified-shop addons
- refactoring
V. 4.8.3
- support for .webp product images
- support for mixed filenames like 'product%20(1).jpg'
V. 4.8.2
- module and analytics perfomance
V. 4.8.1
V. 4.8.0
- Framework enhancements
- PHP8 compatibility refactoring
- perfomance
- performance refactoring for high scalability
- support for version 5 high-performance modules
V. 4.7.21
- PHP8 compatibility refactoring
V. 4.7.20
- PHP8 compatibility refactoring
- automatically assign topic "fallback" to contacts without defined topic
V. 4.7.19
- PHP8 compatibility refactoring
V. 4.7.18
- PHP8 compatibility refactoring
- refactoring, PHP8 compatibility
V. 4.5.1
- Support for BeezDesk 5.35
V. 4.7.17
- php backward compatibility
V. 4.7.16
- Gambio backwards compatibility
V. 4.7.15
- Gambio Cloud compatibility
V. 4.7.14
- no notification for shopvote reviews in CRM pad
V. 4.7.13
- Framework enhancements
- PHP8.2 compatiblity refactoring
- source "Abandoned Carts" - target cart abandonment with advanced segmentations
- introducing setting to control smart list behaviour - check if recipient is part of the initial list
- added custom tables to known tables
V. 4.1.3
- export email addresses of deleted guest accounts
V. 4.7.12a
- maintainance version to update installer
- support segmentation by unknown gender
- refactoring
- update templates for product hero and new product with new layout elements
V. 4.7.12
- PHP8.2 compatiblity refactoring
- GX4.8 compatibility
V. 4.7.11
- empty languageId in Session after test-mail through newsletter advanced module on campaign level
V. 4.7.10
- Smarty 2 backwards compatibility (modified-shop user: please configure Smarty 4 for PHP8)
- framework refactoring
V. 4.7.9
- customer insight order summary view
- PHP8.2 compatiblity refactoring
- Correct language with review notifications in CRM Pad
- added customers_sso (GX SSO module) to known tables
- fix sql error with invalid configuration
V. 4.7.8
- PHP8.2 compatiblity refactoring
- refactoring product segmentation builder
- added missing translation strings for follow up delay help
- contact search: include customers w/o customers_info entry
V. 4.7.7
- PHP8.2 compabitility
- re-enable core update on gambiocloud
- image height forced to 100% causes issues
- support for custom analytics url parameter
V. 4.7.6
- support for custom analytics url parameter
V. 4.3
V. 4.5.0
V. 4.3.0
V. 4.7.5
- since 4.7.0 notifications for e.g. reviews are no longer showing up in CRM pad
- prospects assigned to multiple topics are not unique when segmentation is using multiple topics
V. 4.7.4
- PHP8.2 compabitility
- framework enhancements
- error mysqli_result object is already closed
- table not created on installation
V. 4.7.3
- framework enhancements
- PHP8.2 compatiblity
- GUI niceties
- inherit list is no longer supported as this causes issues
- when creating a newsletter the user is guided to the list selection
- when creating a newsletter title and description are pre-filled
V. 4.7.2
- update cloudloader
- force encoding of txt body
V. 4.7.1
- PHP8.2 compatiblity refactoring
V. 4.7.0
- Revenue per Email in MailBeez Analytics
- PHP8.1, PHP8.2 compatiblity
- Customer Insight shows Bounce-Status and list of Bounces
- Support for Image Path containing following characters: /()
- revenue by mail
- opening in timeframe this year
V. 4.6.3
- minor framework stability updates
V. 4.6.2
- framework updates to support PHP8.2
- added checks to avoid invalid tracking data
V. 4.1.2
V. 4.6.1
- support for server memory setting using G instead of M
- support for Zencart
- non-blockable system type modules are blocked
- auto cleanup by default activated
V. 4.6.0
- PHP8.1 compatibility refactoring finalized
- added chunk size configuration setting
V. 4.5.19
- warning from shopvoting with missing language configuration
- Automatically enable setting for enhanced sending if request with &module=mb_newsletter detected
- PHP8.1 compatibility, support for new framework features
- auto-installed, support for new framework features
- PHP8 refactoring
- support for new framework features
- opening license for self-installation
V. 4.5.18
- can not run module manually
- prospect list edit view: open customer insight
- prospect list edit view: GUI improvements
- logic to determine if module should run
- source "non subsriber" - all customers without optin
- re-import of prospect lists updates now confirmed status, gender, language
- prospect list edit view: empty lists no longer show endless reload
- layout
- support for timing configuration and dedicated cronjob
- admin language changed during editing of newsletter
- exclude from timing configuration
V. 4.1.1
- allow to preset topic ids when opening signup form through url
- more robust assignment of topic areas with prospect import
V. 4.5.17
- loyalty-o-graph does not automatically load
- maibeez_cache unlink() warning
- birthday range segmentation for birthday related campaigns
V. 4.5.16
- PHP8.1 refactoring
- sending performance
- CSV import error message
V. 4.5.15
- pro update does not work on PHP8.1
V. 4.5.14
- PHP8.1 deprecated warning
V. 4.5.13
- unwanted request to bounce handler
V. 4.5.12
- Call to undefined function mh_cfg() in frontend when using shopvoting widget
- exclude check of external archive table if not configured
V. 4.5.11
- Call to undefined function mh_cfg() in frontend when using shopvoting widget
V. 4.5.10
- MailBeez.Email bounce handling improved behaviour on PHP7
V. 4.5.9
- MailBeez.Email bounce handling
- Product stock is shown as 0 in product search result
V. 4.5.8
- invalid configuration settings on new installation of modules
V. 4.5.5
- Product stock in product search result
V. 4.5.4
- GX4 backwards compatiblity
V. 4.5.3
- creation of GX4 admin permission fails for shops with custom languages
V. 4.5.2
- PHP8.1 compatibility refactoring
V. 4.2.1
V. 4.5.1
- white page after update due to blank line
V. 4.5.0
- PHP8.1 compatibility refactoring
- Support for MailBeez.Email
- deprecation of N2Go as email sender
- support for new GX4 admin permissions
- fixed empty notification list in CRM pad
- fixed frontend errors on zencart when shopvoting widget installed
- PHP8.1 refactoring
- handle broken archive tables with warning
V. 4.2.1
V. 4.2.1
V. 4.3.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.4.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.3.0
- Gambio GX4.6 compatiblity
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.2.0
V. 4.4.6
- Framework enhancements
- PHP8 compatibility
- fixed performance regression introduced with v4.4.0
- missing back button label
V. 4.4.5
- Framework enhancements
- Getting ready for EDS
- deprecate GA Dashboard Widget
V. 4.3.0
V. 4.1.0
V. 4.4.2
- Missing Language Resource for Edit Button
V. 4.4.1
V. 4.4.0
- Modified 2.0.7 compatibility (PHP7.4, Smarty 3)
- PHP8 compatibility refactoring (Smarty 4)
V. 4.3.22
- broken icons on modified-shop
- missing block date column in list export
- Copied Newsletter is empty
- Gambio GX4.5 compatibility
V. 4.3.21
- Gambio GX4.5.1.0 compatibility
V. 4.3.20
- Gambio GX4.5.1.0 compatibility
V. 4.3.19
- Gambio GX4.5.1.0 compatibility
V. 4.3.18
- zencart 1.5.7 compatibility
- Search with special characters causes SQL error
- compatibility with Gambio GX4.4
- added email address and orders id for prefill
V. 4.3.17
- support for updated rating url
- provide all order data as smarty variables, e.g. [[$orders_data.delivery_city]]
- compatibility with zencart
V. 4.0.3
V. 4.3.15
- illegal string offset "email_address"
V. 4.3.14
- added a message to select a module when opening a tab
- Follow-up emails react do not respect simulation mode
- Follow-up emails can now be sent regardless of open conversion - great for simple time delays
V. 4.3.13
- email addresses are excluded from customer count
- improved default exclusion of certain email domains
V. 4.3.12b
- BeezDesk Customer Insight does not find customer
V. 4.3.12a
- refactoring
- modifiedShop 2.0.6 compatibility
- added
showing the anniversary number as template variable
- exclude year of registration
- added
and date_of_registration
as template variables
- importing a customer email address will only update the status customers_newsletter when the confirmed status is set through the import
V. 4.3.12
- refactoring
- PHP7.4 compatibility
- modifiedShop 2.0.6 compatibility
- uninstall removes sourcebeez configuration
- contact import shows number of invalid data rows
- contact import does not require confirmed column to update topic areas
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
V. 4.3.11b
- black image generated by image engine with image sub folders
V. 4.3.11a
- mySql8 compatibility
- Gambio Cloud compatibility
V. 4.3.11
- coupon statistic calculation
- refactoring
- sitebeez signup widget utilizes configured url to privacy policy
- sitebeez signup widget: removed focus border from consent toggle
V. 4.2.0
- removed outline from consent toggle
- configurable URL to privacy policy page linked in signup form
- SQL error on some platforms
- retrieval of product information
V. 4.3.10g
- GambioCloud compatibility
V. 4.3.10f
- ZenCart 1.5.7 compatibility
V. 4.3.10e
- GambioCloud compatibility
V. 4.3.10d
- GambioCloud compatibility
V. 4.3.10c
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
V. 4.3.10b
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- support for dynamic order status
V. 4.3.10a
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
V. 4.3.10
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- support for dynamic order status
V. 4.3.9c
- GambioCloud compatibility
V. 4.3.9b
- GambioCloud compatibility
V. 4.3.9a
- GambioCloud compatibility
V. 4.3.9
- GambioCloud compatibility
- ZenCart 1.5.7 compatibility
V. 4.0.2
V. 4.3.8
- broken image urls on ZenCart 1.5.7
V. 4.3.7
- Gambio 4.2+ disable removal of configuration/CLOUDLOADER_% entry
V. 4.3.6
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
V. 4.2
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
V. 4.1.0
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
V. 4.1
- Gambio 4.2+ compatibility
- show only on APP_CONTEXT
- show only on APP_CONTEXT
V. 4.3.5
- support for non-url characters in image filenames
V. 4.3.4
- customer group settings can be opened from module configuration
V. 4.3.3
- customer group settings can be opened from module configuration
- support for inline customer group filter settings
- free database result set for reduced resource consumption
- redesigned GUI
- can now be opened from modules
- support for inline customer group filter settings
- refactoring for handling of undefined tables
- refactoring for handling of undefined tables
V. 4.3.2
- support for improved newsletter workers
V. 4.3.1
- GX4 v4.3+ compatibility
- ZenCart 1.5.7 compatibility
- Can not install dashboard module
- refactoring for handling of undefined tables
V. 4.3.0
- enhanced handling and configuration of workers
V. 4.2.9
- ZenCart 1.5.7 compatibility
- ZenCart 1.5.7 compatibility
V. 4.2.8
- ZenCart 1.5.7 compatibility
V. 4.2.6
- PHP7.4 compatibility issue
V. 4.2.5
- coupon analytics not updated on PHP7.4
V. 4.2.4
- system check link opens in new window
V. 4.2.3
- undefined language strings are shown
V. 4.0.1
V. 4.2.2
- php compatibility warning
- broken editor view
V. 4.2.1
- GX4.1 compatibility issues
V. 4.2.0
- PHP compatibility
- GX4: removed unused xtc_array_to_string
- Customer Insight compatibility
- unable to install on new systems
- Invalid required MailBeez Version
V. 4.1.5
- Creating follow-up Emails on Newsletter with "inherit from campaign" fails
V. 4.1.4
- javascript error in image upload
V. 4.1.3
- Gambio GX4.1.1: Statistics Widget not showing on Admin Start
V. 4.1.2
- image upload broken in Chrome
- error in configuration of beez-o-graph