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Advanced Module - Version updated 16. Feb. 2025

Add Shopauskunft Ratings to Emails

Automatically add your store’s Shopauskunft reviews into any MailBeez email campaign with this filter, part of the Shopauskunft Integration Suite; perfect for spicing up the Winback and No Purchase Mailbeez modules.


Install and activate this Module – you need to have the Shopauskunft Integration Suite configured.

By adding the following tags into your MailBeez templates you will be able to show a configured number of Shopauskunft ratings in your MailBeez generated emails. You can place the tags wherever you want, so for example if you place them within your main template the ratings will be shown in all emails, but if you place them only in your content template, you are able control exactly in which emails the ratings will be visible:

Place this into the HTML-Version of your MailBeez template:


Place his into the TXT-Version of your MailBeez template:


the template for displaying the ratings is taken from the RSS-Feed template files


located in


More advanced users can also directly access the data object holding the ratings in the email template using following code example.

{assign var=feed_feed value=$data.feed.shopauskunft}
{section name=item loop=$feed_feed}


Number of ratings
Number of ratings shown in emails (number)

Minimum Stars
Show only ratings with at least this number of stars (3-5)

Shuffle Ratings
Do you want to shuffle the ratings (True) or show only the latest ones (False)

This module is compatible with following shop systems

Gambio GX2/GX3/GX4

Modified-Shop 1.x/2.x/3.x

ZenCart 1.3.x/1.5.x/2.x

osCommerce 2.x API V2

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