Awaiting payment from a customer? Take a chunk out of your admin time and automate staggered email reminders and see who has yet to pay with the Payment Dunning module from Mailbeez.
This advanced MailBeez multistep module automates the process of Dunning for orders that require payment in advance of despatch. In effect an intelligent and fully automated payment reminder system, the Payment in Advance Dunning module can be configured to send emails to all open, non despatched orders that are awaiting payment, with emails developing from friendly reminders, all the way through to debt collection.
Easy configuration
For each step you can easily configure the email template, (these are called .tpl files and will hopefully familiar to you from using other Mailbeez modules) and the delay between steps. Plus, for each step you can configure the Email template (.tpl file as you know them from other MailBeez modules) and the delay after the step before.
To identify which orders require a payment in advance before processing you just need to configure your order status / payment modules as following:
For automatic cancellation of orders you need to have an order status in your system like “canceled” for example.
Responsive Emails
In combination with the responsive template manager you are able to select a responsive email template for this module and adopt it to your design.
You can edit the text without any knowledge of html thanks to the visual editor. What are responsive Emails?
Gambio GX2/GX3/GX4
Modified-Shop 1.x/2.x/3.x
ZenCart 1.3.x/1.5.x/2.x
osCommerce 2.x API V2
{$orders_total.ot_subtotal.title} {$orders_total.ot_subtotal.text}
{$orders_total.ot_shipping.title} {$orders_total.ot_shipping.text}
{$orders_total.ot_total.title} {$orders_total.ot_total.text}
(add your own modules as your find them in table orders_status in column "class")
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