Say Hi to SiteBeez!

With SiteBeez modules you can enrich your store frontend but also other websites with interactions and personalized content - now in all MailBeez tariffs starting from Startup L.

The first available module is the newsletter registration widget (more info: Newsletter Registration) - more SiteBeez modules will follow.

With a few lines of JavaScript code, a button is integrated:

Clicking on it will open the registration form:

As described in the documentation for SiteBeez module "Newsletter Registration", you can easily use your own html elements to open the login form.

Business S upgrade

The MailBeez Business S tariff has been upgraded with the MailBeez Newsletter Advanced module, which will be available with the upcoming Professional Update.

Thus, all MailBeez users from Starif Startup L can use the described newsletter registration widget.

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Summertime! Limited support until 5th of August