
Expert Service

Get MailBeez Pro installed by a MailBeez expert

To help you get started using MailBeez, we are happy to offer the MailBeez Expert Service: This is a service package that covers all required tasks (installation, configuration, customization, and move to production). In close cooperation with you, we'll have you up and running with Mailbeez, and increasing revenue in no time.

More about the MailBeez Expert-Service

General MailBeez Service

Get help with your MailBeez installation


  • Basic installation of MailBeez: 1 Service Unit
  • Repair of basic installation: 1 Service Unit
  • Resolving misconfiguration: 1 Service Unit

If you are having an issue with your MailBeez system, or your installation has become corrupt somehow, get help from a MailBeez developer. Using Service Units, you can book a help request for any reason related to your MailBeez installation.

Book Service Unit 60Eur
  • Some issues might require the usage of multiple Service Units (agreed prior to service start).
  • One Service Unit has a nominal value of 60 €uro.
  • FTP access and access to your shop administration is required. If MailBeez is already installed, a restricted admin account with access to the MailBeez system is sufficient.

Custom Development

Get tailor-made MailBeez modules or additional features

Missing a feature or have any special requirements to further automate your marketing and sales processes? We are happy to explore the possibilities, and look forward to your project inquiry!

We offer you:

  • Development of MailBeez modules based on your ideas and requirements
  • 100% satisfaction guaranteed for special developments!
  • Fixed-price agreements

A cost sharing arrangement is possible with generally applicable functional extensions. Please inquire.

To request a customization project, please use the [Contact] (/about/contact) form

Summertime! Limited support until 5th of August