how to fix bug in updater

0 minute, 27 seconds

Too crazy? Please contact the mailbeez support.

Applies to

Potentially all users, who have updated MailBeez to Version 4.7.12 between 27th of April to 2nd of Mai 2023


The Updater failes with "Fatal error: Cannot declare class..." or a blank page

How to fix

Open following file

Gambio: /ext/mailhive/cloudbeez/cloudloader/php/boot.php

Modified-Shop: /external/mailhive/cloudbeez/cloudloader/php/boot.php

Other systems: /mailhive/cloudbeez/cloudloader/php/boot.php

in line 93 change

include $base_path . 'cloudloader.php';


include_once $base_path . 'cloudloader.php';

Now the updater works again.

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